
Having sustainability as a goal is essential. Having a strong, visionary and ethical leadership that gets to that goal is fundamental


Having sustainability as a goal is essential. Having a strong, visionary and ethical leadership that gets to that goal is fundamental

Our Approach and Efforts

For Indika Energy, good corporate governance (GCG) is an important part of how we do business and critical to ensuring the continuity and sustainability of the Group. That means complying with the prevailing laws and regulations, mitigating against and managing current and potential risks, and strengthening engagement with stakeholders across the spectrum.

To implement a sustainable business, we have to be a good business. As a member of society, we recognize that we don’t operate in isolation and that it’s important to collaborate with other stakeholders to generate positive impacts on society.

Above all, implementing GCG means we operate transparently, accountably, responsibly, independently, and fairly at all times.

Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee

The Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee assists the Board of Commissioners assesses quarterly and annual consolidated financial statements to assure the Board of Commissioners that they are properly prepared in accordance with Indonesian Statements of Financial Accounting Standards. This ensures complete and accurate content that enables identification and provision of solutions with the Board of Director before publication. The Audit, Risk and Corporate Governance Committee also assists the Board of Commissioners with the comprehensive review of the corporate governance policies set out by the Board of Directors and with the assessment of implementation consistency; especially in the case of the business ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility policies.

Project and Investment Committee

The Project and Investment Committee assists the Board of Commissioners with reviewing the risk management system established and implemented by the Board of Directors. This monitoring and review is imperative to ensure careful assessment of the Company’s risk tolerance and the appropriate initiation and timely implementation of corporate actions.

Nomination and Remuneration Committee

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee assists the Board of Commissioners with scrutinizing, reviewing and approving the ongoing upgrading and expansion of the Corporate Organization Structure in line with the growth of the Company, as well as overseeing employee remuneration and benefits and the implementation of employee training and professional development.

Sustainability Committee

The Sustainability Committee serves a critical role in Indika Energy's journey to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. The Committee is dedicated to overseeing and evaluating ESG programs, initiatives, performance, and policies. The Committee also provides advisory and assesses the ESG risks of every corporate investment.

Be a whistleblower

As part of our Good Corporate Governance, Indika Energy implements whistleblowing system as a reporting mechanism to the management should anyone observe situations involving suspected fraud, misappropriation, cheating, conflict of interest, violation of the law or regulation or Indika Energy’s code of business conduct, or any forms of misconduct.

Be a Whistleblower