
Having sustainability as a goal is essential. Having a strong, visionary and ethical leadership that gets to that goal is fundamental

Our Approach and Efforts

For Indika Energy, good corporate governance (GCG) is an important part of how we do business and critical to ensuring the continuity and sustainability of the Group. That means complying with the prevailing laws and regulations, mitigating against and managing current and potential risks, and strengthening engagement with stakeholders across the spectrum.

To implement a sustainable business, we have to be a good business. As a member of society, we recognize that we don’t operate in isolation and that it’s important to collaborate with other stakeholders to generate positive impacts on society. Above all, implementing GCG means we operate transparently, accountably, responsibly, independently, and fairly at all times.

Our 2023 Governance Performance

As a reflection of how importantly we view our sustainability commitments, our board members have ESG-linked key performance indicators (KPIs) that they must achieve. These are some of the successes on our path toward greater governance sustainability.

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    57.8% or 2,070 employees have undergone the code of business conduct training in 2023

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    In 2023, all or 86 of board members completed training on the code of business conduct

Governance Program

Key to implementing GCG is the performance of both the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners. The boards lead Indika Energy’s ongoing engagement with stakeholders, from investors to regulators to communities. Our goal is to constantly improve our relations with stakeholders through discussions and updates that are transparent, and to harvest feedback that can help improve the way we do business

Board Management

Indika Energy’s Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors, along with the committees that support them, take the leading role in the important functions of systemic risk management, systemic risk reporting, and compliance with prevailing laws and regulations. Our annual Sustainability Panel brings together all CEOs from subsidiaries across the Indika Energy Group to ensure an alignment of initiatives.

Take the leading role of systemic risk management, and compliance with prevailing laws and regulations

Indika Energy’s Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors are central to our efforts to…

Ethics and Integrity

Indika Energy maintains a culture of ethics and compliance throughout the Group. We uphold a robust, zero-tolerance stance on bribery and corruption, campaign regularly on the code of conduct, and train and assess employees to nurture a corporate culture of ethical behavior. We also expect the same level of integrity from the companies with whom we do business.

Business ethics and integrity are fundamental values at Indika Energy

Compliance with prevailing laws and regulations is a critical part of doing business ethically. Business…

Stakeholder Governance

We are committed to transparent and constructive dialogue with all stakeholders vested in the successful running of our business and how we can contribute to Indonesia’s development. We foster dialogues from local to international levels through a range of engagement activities, as well as participate in multi-stakeholder discussions. We implement processes for stakeholders to raise concerns and complaints, and seek to resolve them in a timely manner.

Cyber Security

The risks of cyber attacks are on the rise for businesses. Going forward, cyber security is expected to increase in importance as a threat vector as more of our systems move online. The challenge for Indika Energy is to build on the positive potential of digitalization and mitigate against the negative effects. We remain constantly vigilant against online threats, and maintain strict protections for data and digital property.

Cyber Ninjas on the Lookout

The Cyber Ninja Task Force at Xapiens is responsible for day-to-day monitoring of cyber vulnerabilities…

Human Rights and Grievance Mechanisms

At Indika Energy we take very seriously our commitment as a responsible member of society to respect human rights in everything we do. We remain vigilant to the fact that the potential for violations exists within our operations, which is why we plan for these risks to mitigate them. Our culture of respect for human rights is enshrined in our corporate code of conduct and human rights policy. We also maintain a robust grievance mechanism that includes a whistleblowing platform for filing good-faith reports securely, and which we follow up on seriously.

ISO Certification