Environment Program Detail | April 27 2021

Wise Water Use

At Indika Energy, we have a responsibility to minimize our water intensity to ensure that others have access to it.

Indika Energy’s total water consumption in 2020 was down by nearly 9% to 4.55 million cubic meters. This is part of a longer-term trend as we continuously look at ways to make water savings and use water more wisely.

We recycled and reused a significant proportion of water last year: more than 1 million cubic meters. This volume would fill up half an Olympic-sized swimming pool, representing a huge saving of a precious resource. Savings like these are made possible through technological innovations such as rainwater collection and reuse of treated water.

Initiatives for efficient water usage have been carried out in Kideco for many years. Kideco takes extra measures to limit consumption of water from rivers in the surrounding area. At Kideco, one of the ways that we do so is by using a closed-circuit system to wash our unit vehicles. The water used for washing these vehicles goes into a compartment in a settling pond, gets treated and is eventually reused for the same purpose.

We also ensure that the water used for watering the unpaved roads in mining areas is taken from settling ponds. From these settling ponds, the water gets taken to a few water-filling stations for unit water trucks that operate to spray the water to increase visibility in mining areas with unpaved roads.

Lastly, we ensure that the water that we do release as effluent falls well below regulatory thresholds for trace elements, turbidity, and acidity.

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